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Thursday, March 26, 2015

How to Use Wire Yard Art

Yard art comes in many forms from mirror balls to small sculptures. Something more distinctive is wire artwork in the shape of spheres. These are attractive and interesting to look at. They also have several uses. Wire yard art can be used in a few different ways.

Hidden Accents in a Garden

One way to use wire art in a yard is like a hidden accent in a garden. Although precise arrangements of flowering plants and bushes are attractive, they can be enhanced by adding an unexpected piece of art to the landscape. This is done by finding an area where there are no plants growing or where there are only low growing plants. Place the piece of artwork in a way that makes it less visible from outside the garden. This allows anyone walking through the garden to have a sense of discovery and excitement when running across the artistic piece.

Trellises for Plants

A more practical way to use wire art is as a trellis for plants. Some plants and vines need support in order to grow properly. This is true even for very common vegetable plants like tomatoes and beans. Wire artwork is perfect for this because it is stable, durable and contains enough space to keep the plants happy as they grow and flower. The simplest way to do this is to place the artwork in an area surrounded by plants. Attach the artwork to the ground with pins or earth staples. It is then possible to train the plants up the individual wires during the season. The right types of plants could actually encompass the entire piece of art.

Create a Topiary

A final way to use wire yard art is to create a topiary. This is a sculpted shape made from a bush or tree. The wire art provides the structure and an accent for the topiary. Creating a topiary involves placing the art above the ground on a stake. Another option is to attach the wire art to the actual plant if the central trunk is strong enough. The bush or tree is then trimmed as it grows to fill the art and slowly cover the wires. This creates a unique point of interest in a yard.


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