Add Beauty To Your Garden With a Landscape Trellis

A landscape trellis can be made from a variety of materials. Those materials can include, but are not limited to, wood, bamboo, and metals including wrought iron. Wrought iron is heavy, but is easy to maintain, and can be painted easily. It is also very durable, and lasts for years. A wrought iron landscape trellis has the look and feel of your grandmother's garden, but you don't have to shop at an antiques store for one. There are still artisans who will make new ones for you in a variety of styles.
Often gardeners will install a trellis near the house to give the impression that plants are growing up the wall. However, trellises can essentially be used anywhere in the landscape. Once the gardener picks a spot it's important to make sure the trellis is properly installed using brackets and holes dug at least six inches deep.
Once the trellis is properly installed, the gardener needs to decide what, if anything they want to grow on the trellis. In a flower garden, there is a plethora of flowering vines that can be grown up a trellis. However, a trellis does not need to be used only in a flower garden. There are many fruit and vegetable plants that can also be grown on a trellis. Cucumbers, gourds, and pumpkins all grow well on a trellis. Grapes can be grown on a trellis, and there are hardy kiwi vines available. Next to a house, climbing ivy is a classic choice. The gardener should consider if they want a perennial plant, one that will come back year after year, or an annual that will need to be replanted each year. Perennial plants can be costly, but feature lower maintenance year after year. Annual plants have a lower upfront cost, but need to be replanted each year, so may cost more in the long run.
Nice landscaping can add untold enjoyment and value to any home. Whether it is decorative or functional, a trellis is a beautiful and long lasting addition to any landscape. Install your trellis, and enjoy the benefits!
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