Decorative Iron Wall Hangings

When selecting decorative iron wall hangings select unique pieces that will allow for personalization, while still maintaining an overall Gothic theme. Wall hangings might include subtle pieces such as iron door accents, cast iron clocks, or iron plant hooks. Iron works sculptures and wall hangings, cast iron plaques for hanging coats and hats on can also be used, along with black wood or iron bookcases or shelves. These elements will create an interesting Gothic theme.
Other pieces that could be included are butterfly wall art, monogrammed scroll grille wall art, Victorian style metal wall sculptures, or a coat of arms monogrammed metal wall grille. Other possibilities are cast iron picture frames, fireplace utensils, and candle holders. A masculine approach to the Gothic style might be to use cast iron fish bones, cast iron and marble handled swords, cast iron door keys, boat anchors, and cast iron lion faces.
To create this style throughout the home use decorative cast iron tile art in kitchens, cast iron wall planters, iron key hooks, bells, mirrors, suns, moons, angels and stars. Cast iron chimes, crosses and figurines on shelves could also be used. The cast iron theme can also be carried to bed frame selections in selecting cast iron frames, decorative footstools, and night tables.
Decorative cast iron wall art can be created by using cast iron circles with center cushions, with colored ribbons. These can then be used as pin cushions for sewing, or as jewelry hangers. Make selections and create personal style by selecting items that not only create a Gothic theme, but reflect and create personal tastes, individuality and uniqueness. Cast iron picture frames, and cast iron votive candle holders could used, as well as gargoyles on cast iron shelves or used as decorative cast iron wall hangings that double as lamps or lighting is also a good choice.
It's also possible to create an overall Gothic theme for the home by continuing the style in outdoor living spaces, with black iron patio furniture, cast iron garden doors, and other decorative garden items. Grow roses and place decorative iron wall hangings on outside walls as well. On the outside of the home, place decorative cast iron wheels, cast iron fairy silhouettes, and cast iron ground markers.
Be imaginative, and create an outdoor scene with decorative fairy figurines, flowers, and prayer stools. Select cast iron figures and garden gates, mixed with other interesting pieces such as stone children, angels, and garden animals to create a mix of colors, and a style that reflects an overall Gothic theme for the entire home.
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