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Sunday, June 26, 2016

Try Primitive Country Cupboards for a Lovely Look

For the kitchen, cupboards are a necessity, but what type of cupboards are most people looking for? Many individuals, couples, and families like to have modern cupboards or minimalistic looks, but what about the antique look? What about primitive country cupboards for a lovely look in the kitchen or dining room? Style and design experts say this look is coming back.

The beauty of primitive country cupboards

For those who own a home with a kitchen or dining room, finding the perfect cupboards can be a challenge. The classic country look is a great way to achieve both functionality and style. This primitive look offers aged wood in a unique style that can go with any furniture.

Cupboards for other parts of the house

Even for those who aren’t looking for cupboards for the kitchen or dining room, there are other areas of the house that can benefit from beautiful cupboards of all sorts. Even children may like to have a beautiful armoire or cupboard set in their bedroom.

Also, those who own a bathroom that is large enough to have an armoire or a cupboard, these pieces can look excellent here as well. They are perfect for holding bathroom items, such as towels, toiletries, and toilet paper.

Finally, adults may prefer to put a cupboard in their bedroom as a replacement for a large dresser or a closet. Again, these can store anything, from clothes and shoes to toiletries and bed linens.

How to design a room with an antique cupboard

For those who do decide to use an antique cupboard in their home, it’s important to remember that what is being used for design in the rest of the room is vital for maintaining a congruent feel. For example, some people may decide to use an antique feel throughout the room as a complement to the antique country cupboard or go in the exact opposite direction. For example, homeowners can contrast the look of a country cupboard by putting modern furniture pieces and bright and bold colors throughout the room. It will create a more eclectic feel, which can be quite helpful.


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