Add a 36" Garden Iron Ball Yard Sphere to the Landscape
36" Garden Iron Ball Yard Sphere - A Landscaping Statement

The 36" Garden Iron Ball Yard Sphere can be used without decoration to create the ultimate ultra modern contrast or it can be decorated for use as topiary. Topiaries have become a popular trend when covered with English Ivy, Boxwood or flowering plants like Clematis.
Tips on Using a Garden Iron Ball Sphere
A Garden Iron Ball Sphere can be placed on a weather-proof metal or ceramic stand. To do this, weight the bottom of the sphere with a bag of potting soil. Leave the top of the potting soil bag open and plant white annual or perennial flowers and vines that will stretch toward the interior structure of the sphere and create a fantastic looking "snow globe" touch for the landscape. Choose variegated vines in green and white for more effect. Plant the vines around the flowers, so the garden iron ball has a balanced look.
Use Two or More 36" Garden Iron Ball Spheres
If one garden iron ball sphere can make a dramatic landscape statement, consider what two or three of these will do. Set them apart about three feet at the base of the garden so that shrubbery can "peek" through the. Use three of these at curved angles around the edge of a rock garden or place them at the rear of the garden area if there is low lying shrubbery or flowers toward the front of the garden. These also look quite stately set beside rose bushes when they are in bloom.
These 36" Garden Iron Ball Spheres make excellent additions as a trellis or a natural hanging planter. Place the sphere atop a tall, wispy stand to create the trellis or add a wrought iron chain and hook for a planter. Fill the inside of the sphere to grow flowers, strawberries or tomatoes.
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