Wrought Iron Garden Fences

Wrought iron is produced by artisans (or even artists) by drawing, hammering, and welding mild iron. This is a traditional blacksmithing skill. Wrought iron fencing tends to resist rust and is easily made to fit a given space. Factory produced wrought iron sections can be combined with shop built sections for specific projects. Some wrought iron fences are quite elaborate and may be expensive.
Pouring molten iron into molds, usually made of sand, produces cast iron. Cast iron fencing is usually factory built. Cast iron is usually brittle, difficult to weld, and more prone to rust than wrought iron. Cast iron is suitable for producing figurines and reproducing historic wrought iron pieces. Roosters, dogs, cats, or figures of children can be cast in molds to add charm to a wrought iron garden fence. Custom built, one of a kind castings produced in small shops are often made in gravity sand molds. This technique is suitable both for producing artistic decorations and reproducing missing finials on older fences.
Some older wrought iron garden or cemetery fences are very valuable and may require some security considerations. Modern wrought iron garden fences may also be quite expensive if they are particularly well crafted and consideration should be made for their security. Information on this subject is available online.
Frequently, used wrought iron railing and fencing can be found in salvage yards. It may be possible to find used wrought iron fencing to use for your garden fencing. Be sure to remove any rust and repaint with a paint made for use on iron fixtures. Good quality black wrought iron may not require paint. If wrought iron has the original black surface it should not be sanded or wire-brushed in such a way as to remove the black oxide surface, as this surface resists rusting. Clean the surface carefully and paint with a good quality anti-rust paint.
If you wish to create a garden with quality wrought iron garden fencing, or if you need to repair an existing one, there are still artisans who specialize in this kind of work. An alternative would be to learn the skills involved and do it yourself. This is a major undertaking and could lead to a profitable business.
My wife wants me to put up a fence like this. We have a small dog that wanders the neighborhood. Do they make iron fenced where the posts are a bit closer together? He would definitely get through your fence.
I always have a plan to put these iron fences on our gardener. I think this is my sign. Chevy Dealer
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