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Wednesday, April 23, 2014

The Modern Woven Wire Gate

Woven wire yard fence gates are becoming more popular for those who require the sturdiness and durability of fencing, but without closing off the world. The woven wire is much more inviting, whereas a wood gate is so cumbersome and seems to scream "keep out!"

Some may think of this type of fencing as ugly or old-fashioned, but new designs are coming out that are both modern and ornamental. You can even get creative with the woven wire by weaving plants through it. This is especially advantageous for those with a particular propensity for curb appeal. If you spend all your time gardening and perfecting your landscaping, why hide it with wood fencing? Woven wire yard fence gates leave passersby with the distinct impression that the owner is a creative soul.

Even if you aren't huge on the landscaping aspect, you can easily see the advantage of using a less common type of gate. Wood fence gates are so boring; woven wire stands out as something unique. If you have a large property, clearly mark the entrance and welcome your guests with something refreshing.

Aside from its curb appeal, woven wire has proven itself time and again to be extremely effective in keeping out unwanted pests and predators. Keeping in livestock is easy, and a woven wire fence easily opens and closes for herding and grazing purposes. Its galvanized coating also keeps it from being worn down by extreme weather and sunlight. Animals may chew and claw at it, but woven wire lives on and on. Its woven design gives way to some stretching rather than breaking over time.

Woven wire fence gates are also very easy to install. You can usually buy most gates already put together; they just require adding hinges to your existing gate. This is an easy solution to any gating that may be required on the property.


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